トップページ 宿・食事 年中行事 観光 Event インフォメーション アクセス リンク
January 1 The first visit of the year to the shrine

7 Tsutsugayu-shinji
Make rice gruel and predict the fortune of the harvest. (at Afuri Shrine Shimosha)

8 Hatsu-yakushi
Exhibition of the principal Buddha. (at

February 3 Setsubun-sai

This festival is held every year on the day before the beginning of Spring. Afuri, Sannomiya-hibita, Isehara -Daijingu, and other shrines open the festivities with a grand celebration, Various celebrities are invited to attend) and gifts are distributed to the crowd.

28 Godan-goma
Pray for good health, affluence happiness, love and respect (at Oyama-dera Temple)

March The first few weeks of March
Oyama-Tozan marathon
The middle of the month
Oyama Tofu-Festival
April The beginning of the month
Oyama-sakura Festival Shibazakura Festival

15 Hinata-yakushi-Shunki Taisai
The disciplinants' "shigi-nobori" pray for safety during their training in the mountain

22 At this festival the people pray for a good harvest. People also give thanks and admire the deity that created the earth. Another event is a plant market.

May 3 Hijirimine Festival (at Hijirimine)
5 Shinji-Noh
A traditional show which has continued since the Edo period (at Afuri Shrine Shimosha)
Kohnomachi Sannomiya-Hibita Shrine Mikoshi-Togyo
The middle of the month
Park Green Festival (at General Athletic Park)
Magatama-Festival (at SannomiyaHibita Shrine)

The latter part of the month
Sake-Festival (at Afuri ShrineShimosha)

July The beginning of the month
Flower-market (at Isehara Daijingu)
The latter part of the month
The anniversary of Dohkan's death (at Toshoin)

27,v until Aug. 17
Oyama Natsu-Matsuri (Festival)

August The middle of the month
Oyama Etohroh-Matsuri
The third Saturday
Oyama Summer Jazz & Latin Friendship Concert Aug.
The Shinko Gyoretsu is performed here. This performance imitates the presence of God.

28 Oyama Shinji Noh
The Oyama Noh play is performed at the shrine office of Afuri Shrine

October The beginning of the month
Isehara Kanko Dohkan Matsuri
Himatsuri Takigi-Noh

You can enjoy this Noh play of two hundred and eighty years tradition at the shrine dffice of Afuri Shrine.

November The beginning of the month Oyama Kiku-Matsuri
The latter part of the monthAgricultural Festival
December The winter solstice Star Festival

Discover your fortune for the following year (at Oyama-dera Temple)

Shiwasu Oharai (at Afuri Shrine Shimosha, Sannomiya-Hibita Shrine, Isehara Daijingu)

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